
Vision Statement

We perform with integrity at all levels and continue to ensure corporate excellence through innovation and focused quality conscious efforts in all our ventures, We believe that good leadership and organized teamwork is imperative for our growth & success.

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As a company our mission is deliver economic value and added benefits to our customers.

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Corporate Values

We aspire to become a leading national enterprise in the Industrial and Trading sectors by living our corporate values.

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Investor Complaint Handling Cell:


The roots of the company can be traced back to Coronation Footwear, a shoe store started by Ghulam Muhammad A. Fecto in Mumbai on Grant Road. After partition he migrated from Mumbai to Dhaka and then in 1952 and established a business involved in trading electrical goods, wires and home appliances. The company then made a pioneering effort as it entered into a joint venture with a Japanese brand for the manufacturing of Radio, which was the first-ever-technical collaboration with Japan in Pakistan.

Then in 1975 the company began to diversify from trading to industrial activities.  The group continued to move from strength to strength and over time manufactured Cement, Sugar, and Tractors. In 1981 Fecto Cement Limited was established with production commencing on January 1, 1990.

In the mid-nineties, the founder with the aim to further strengthen the leadership heritage and to cope with the realities of a complex business world segmented the company, amongst his children of which he had 8, into separate entities. With the demands of corporate legislatures and inherent procedures being fulfilled, the responsibility of managing Fecto Cement Limited was entrusted to Mr. Mohammed Yasin Fecto and Mr. Asad Fecto who have continued to move forward with the company vision.

Investor Complaint Handling Cell:

Mr. Abdul Wahab
Chief Financial Officer
021 35248921-24
Mr. Muhammad Hashim
021 35248921-24